Revolutionizing Winter Road Maintenance: The Game-Changing Power of IoT-Based RWIS...
Ta vara på dina lokala variationer i landskapet med fler mätpunkter.
Öka träffsäkerheten i din vinterberedskap med en smart, enkel och kostnadseffektiv vägväderstation som ger dig viktiga insikter om både nuläge och vad som händer framöver. Ger dig stora möjligheter att både använda resurser smartare, en säkrare väg och bidra till en mer hållbar värld.
Klimatorsr IoT baserade vägväderstation är en kraftfull produkt som är ett komplement till de traditionella väderstationerna som ger värdefull information i realtid om nuläget på våra vägar.
Enkel installation och du slipper att dra fram fasta installationer som el och internet och stationerna kan konfigureras på en rad olika sätt beroende på behov.
Längre ned kan du läsa mer kring olika möjligheter. (Engelska)
active stations,
and counting
weather messages
per month
per winter season on
The road weather station measures the road surface temperature, the air temperature and the air humidity. Calculated values are road status and road weather forecasts (18/24 hours) for road surface temperature, dew point and precipitation.
The installation of the station only takes about an hour. The batteries lasts 36-48 months and are easily replacable.
Significantly lower cost than existing weather station technology. The installation costs are also considerably lower as there's no need for mains power or communications.
As the product is IoT, it has its internal battery which will last 2-3 years. The solution is a self-sustaining system that requires very little maintenance.
The product communication works on Internet of Things technology. It is optimized to work on the Sigfox network but will also easily integrate with other IoT providers, removing the need for sim cards, modems, and the associated costs that arise from this.
The solution, dependent on configuration can also provide reports on weather data, activity data, rain data, soil moisture data, and water level data.
The data is easily accessible from a purpose-built browser-based software platform where alarms can be set, and notifications can be delivered when self-determined values are reached. This functionality automates the monitoring process, removing the need to have users constantly monitor data. The data comes in the form of an API so can also be fed into other weather monitoring and forecasting systems if necessary.
Klimator monitors the unit and sends alerts if the station is not sending data. A wizard will help your maintenance workers safely through a service visit.
By enabling more definitive decisions on road treatments, significant environmental savings will be met and the safety of highway workers will be enhanced. Definitive decisions supported by data-led information will drive a reduction in vehicle wear and tear, fuel used, treatments used, salt used, and the reduction in quarrying for minerals. This will also lead to reduced demand on supply chain logistic environmental impacts. In addition, no new power supply is needed, contributing to a significantly lower environmental impact. An impactful reduction in carbon and emissions will be achieved.
A lightweight product that can be installed on a purpose-built lightweight column. With minimum installation time, the need to create high volume congestion on the highway network will be negated. A web based wizard will help your fieldworkers safely through an installation.
Revolutionizing Winter Road Maintenance: The Game-Changing Power of IoT-Based RWIS...
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